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Today’s energy-conserving homes are well insulated and airtight. The consequence?
Everything produced inside the home remains inside and accumulates. Resulting in the deterioration of indoor air quality. That’s why illnesses associated with poor indoor air quality are evermore present. The air we breath is contaminated by all types of gases, dust and bacteria. In addition, we consume oxygen and produce gases and humidity, while not renewing the oxygen consumed. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the air in our homes, schools and offices can be 2 to 5 times more polluted, and in some cases 100 times more polluted, than outdoor air and is attributed as the number one environmental health problem.
How It Works
The Anatomy of a Greentek
What is an HRV & ERV?
Heat or energy recovery has become essential today, given constantly rising costs and public awareness of poor indoor air quality.
Heat or energy recovery systems have been designed to recover the heat or energy contained in exhaust air. Thanks to a balanced air-flow exchange system, the heat or energy from contaminated exhaust air passes through the recovery core, and fresh air enters through other cells absorbing that heat or energy without mixing with the exhaust air.
So, you benefit from healthy fresh air while you save on heating or air conditioning costs. A selection of models and controls are offered to suit your needs.
The main difference between heat and energy recovery is that in the heat recovery core transfers allows for a transfer of heat between stale and fresh air while the energy recovery core also allows for the transfer of moisture along with the heat. Each has their own application depending on your regional climate.

How can you know whether you need a heat or an energy recovery system?
If you use a heating system more often than air conditioning, you need an HRV. If the opposite is the case, an ERV is recommended. Refer to the chart below to find out which is the best system for you.